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File a Patent, Leeds, UK

Patent Protection - Apply for a Patent !

File a Patent

Apply for a Patent, Leeds, UK

A patent is an intellectual property right granted by a country's government as a territorial right for a limited period.


Simply, it’s a document that states you are the legal owner of the technical content disclosed within.   Patents make it illegal for anyone except the owner or someone with the owners permission to make, use, import or sell the invention in the country where the patent was granted. 

What is a Patent

Patents are vital when investing in and pursuing research and development and are asset (intangible) that can be sold, licensed and rented. ​Importantly a patent provides potential buyers, licensees or investors with the confidence to collaborate with you, knowing their investment is underpinned by a legal right. 

Whether you require patent protection in the UK or wider field, we will assess, search, advise and apply commercial logic to robustly secure your legal rights. 


How can we help you

  • Provide an honest appraisal on your project and  examine patent suitability.

  • Make suggestions to improve the commerciality of your design and your chances of obtaining a grant.

  • Undertake a patent search prior to proceeding with the application process.

  • Prepare and file your UK, international patent. application and pursue it through to grant.

  • Deal with any IPO objections and maintain and file renewals.

  • Advise on ways of leveraging your IP rights, including using the Patent Box.

  • Assist with the transfer of your rights to a third  party.

Bluem - Patent Agent in Leeds, UK
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